Ảnh bìa sách Tự Học Reiki Miễn Phí - Level 3


Tác giả : Usui Reiki

Định dạng : PDF, EPUB, MOBI, AZW3

Số trang : 130

Lượt xem/nghe : 2166

Lượt đọc : 802

Lượt tải : 492

Kích thước : 4.12 MB

Tạo lúc : Tue, 07/12/2021 11:12

Cập nhật lúc : 18:09pm 04/09/2022

THỂ LOẠI Tôn Giáo - Tâm Linh

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Mua Sách: Tự Học Reiki Miễn Phí - Level 3 TiKi Lazada Shopee

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It is with much love & light that we warmly welcome you to these Level 3a teachings and we congratulate you on taking this next step forwards on your Usui

Reiki journey. As an Usui Reiki Master Healer, you will now be guided towards a deepening of your Reiki experience as you open up to a variety of new techniques, understandings and the beautiful Reiki

Master symbols.

So far on your Reiki journey, you have learnt how to do hands on healing (Level 1) and have also learnt how to practice Reiki with a range of advanced healing techniques (Level 2). And for those of you who are following along with our suggestions, you may also now have received your Celestine and

Tìm mua: Tự Học Reiki Miễn Phí - Level 3 TiKi Lazada Shopee dilib.vn

Prophestine Reiki attunements or opened up to the

Pathway To Light energies.

So here, as part of this Usui Reiki Level 3a training, we will now be going deeper into both the theoretical aspects and the practical aspects of Reiki, in order to complement your Ascension Pathway and to also broaden your horizons & perspectives of the Usui Reiki practices and energy based healing more generally.

As part of this Usui Reiki Master course, we will again be suggesting that you complete a 21 day period of self healing practices as a complement to the learning material being provided here in this ebook and as with all of our courses, we will be introducing you to these practices very simply and easily as we move through this ebook.

Having now taught Reiki for a number of years through an ‘in person’ format, we have again been sure to design this Usui Reiki Master Healer course for you so that we cover all of the course material in a way that is simple and easy to understand. As part of this, we have also included a number of video tutorials in order to retain some of this ‘hands on’ teaching style.

Above all, our goal here is to provide you with a very thorough and well rounded understanding of the Usui Reiki Master Healer level. We hope to inspire you towards a more ‘all encompassing’ and inclusive Reiki practice as we provide you with new perspectives, new healing techniques and much flexibility so that you can grow and expand your Reiki practice to new levels!

For those of you who have already completed your Level 1 or Level 2 Reiki training with Love

Inspiration, you will already be very familiar with our ‘by distance’ teaching style. You will know that your Level 3a attunement is being made available to you here as part of this ebook through a ‘by distance’ format and you will understand why Love Inspiration is offering these teachings here freely and with love.

For those of you who are new to Love Inspiration, we wish to welcome you here with our hearts open and filled with love. We trust that you have found your way here through ‘pine guidance’ and that you will now very easily move through this e-course with much love & light.

Dưới đây là những tác phẩm đã xuất bản của tác giả "Usui Reiki":

  1. Tự Học Reiki Miễn Phí - Level 1
  2. Tự Học Reiki Miễn Phí - Level 2
  3. Tự Học Reiki Miễn Phí - Level 3
  4. Tự Học Reiki Miễn Phí - Level 4+5+6
  5. Tự Học Reiki Miễn Phí - Level 7+8
  6. Tự Học Reiki Miễn Phí - Level 9

Độc giả có thể tìm mua ấn phẩm tại các nhà sách hoặc tham khảo bản ebook Tự Học Reiki Miễn Phí - Level 3 PDF của tác giả Usui Reiki nếu chưa có điều kiện.

Tất cả sách điện tử, ebook trên website dilib.vn đều có bản quyền thuộc về tác giả. Chúng tôi khuyến khích các bạn nếu có điều kiện, khả năng xin hãy mua sách giấy.

Mua Sách: Tự Học Reiki Miễn Phí - Level 3 TiKi Lazada Shopee
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